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2021 Event History

That's us done for 2021 and this page is archived.
Watch out for 2022 Event History to see what did: done: are doing: in 2022.

Boxing Day Run 2021


For our last event of the year, the weather was not kind, misty drizzly and wet under foot.

Never the less four hardy souls turned out for the annual run from Meriden Motorcycles to the Dog at Nether Whitacre.

It’s given that Bob was there, but can you tell from the rear shot photo below who the other three idiots were?

Answer is a full frontal photo in the slideshow.

On arriving at the Dog there were a number of members who had made their own way directly there to join us for Hot Chocolate and Bacon Butties









Wednesday 15th December Christmas Party

Yesterday evening we enjoyed in these worrying times, a wonderful Christmas celebration Dinner at the Winter Wonderland Suite annexed to the National Motorcycle Museum.

65 Members with their guests gave our Section their support and created a marvelous warm and friendly atmosphere throughout the evening.  

Our Raffle Table groaned under the weight of a dozen excellent prizes with the top three having a combined total value of over £220!

Hayley Louise sang and Danced her way through the evening entertaining us all and looking almost as glamorous and youthful as our female guests.

The Committee wish to thank all the Raffle Gift donors, the Museum Management, Bar Staff and excellent Serving team who looked after us so very well throughout the evening.

The Committee wish to thank in particular our great club members who have supported our Ride Outs, Quiz Nights, Treasure Hunts, turned up for Film Nights (with Popcorn) and all the other fun events throughout this past troubled year.


























Wednesday 17th Nov Club Night was Treasure Hunt


Held within the 5 Halls of the National Motorcycle Museum, 57 members, friends, wives, neighbours and ‘new’ faces joined in the frustrating Fun!

The Committee wish to thank all those attending for joining in the fun and for being so good natured and enthusiastic!


Thirty cryptic clues were set with the winning team (Mystery Machine) solving 23, second placed (Two Teams of Three) scored the same but were demoted by the ‘tie break’ system devised by our very clever, University Educated Committee member, Andrew! Any complaints to him please!
The Third placed team (Superb Seven) scored a creditable 21 – so well done everyone.


Clues were of the form:- “What tyre is on this 1950 AJS 7R?”
Answer:- "Bob Mc InTYRE"


Also, some good news - only two threats of violence were offered to the Question setter, one less than the previous year’s figures!

As you can see the superb prizes were well received, particularly once Bob convinced the two ladies on the winning team, that the prize was a Castrol branded gravy boat and ideal for use on Christmas Day.
























Thursday Cleaning Crew, Extra Activities

The cleaning crew undertook new duties on Thursday 2nd Dec, extracting 18 BSAs of various sizes and years from their display positions in the Museum. The reason for all this effort was in readiness for a special occasion............              



                            The World launch of the new BSA Goldstar.


What a bike this appears to be, a 650cc single, incorporating a number of iconic design features, with modern day practicality. It looks like it’s going to be a winner, and is reputed to be competitively priced.


Friday 3rd and we are back again, returning some of the BSAs back to their display positions and taking a whole range of bikes from the museum to the NEC in readiness for the opening of Motorcycle Live. Not a lot of fun pushing a race bike such as Slippery Sam, with almost no steering lock through 5 halls, or trying to move a full size Combo or the world’s first Quad Bike.

All arrived safely and by mid-day the National Motorcycle Museum Stand was looking almost complete. If you go down to the show watch out for Wes, rebuilding a 1929 600cc Scott Squirrel on the stand over the duration of the show.





















Bovington Tank Museum Coach Trip
Tuesday 16th November

Forgot to take many pics, but may have some further taken by someone else later.

Was a really good trip, the Museum has improved so much it was practically unrecognisable. Really nice people there as well, so all in all a good day out.





Wednesday 20th October Club Night was Film Night


At tonight’s monthly club meeting we had a film show.

The Programme was a series of “Shorts” from the 50s and 60s produced by the Rank Organisation and under the heading of” The Way We Were”

They are a snapshot of how things were, back in the day: some of our older members also made guest appearances between the films.


Nearly 40 members attended for the usual Coffee and Biscuits as well as FREE Popcorn














look at life.JPG
Saturday 16th October Klondyke Steam Fair


The best part of 30 riders set off from Meriden Motorcycles, bound for the Klondyke Steam Fair at Draycott in the Clay.


Unfortunately our grand arrival was thwarted when the drop off system failed somewhere near Seckington.

Fortunately all the riders arrived there eventually; with one group waiting 30 mins for the non-arrival of the following riders. Routes to site varied from the original route through to a nice country alternative or a route directly through Burton (on a Saturday Morning!)


Who would have thought traction engines come in such a variety of sizes


As ever photos below, have you spotted the one where I used the Bob (fingers) Badland technique.























Sunday 10th October Jim Fellows Run
Once again we enjoyed summer temperatures and a cloudless sky as 31 Riders gathered at the start point for our traditional Jim Fellows Run.

This year a demanding twisting 33 mile route had been set and became evermore complex when roads were found to be ‘closed’ to accommodate the safety of Runners involved in a 10k ‘Fun Run’! Our ‘Drop Off’ system worked perfectly with everyone arriving safely to be met and greeted by three generations of Jim’s family.

Pots and pots of Tea and Coffee were generously provided by the Family who were delighted with such a brigade of Bikes and Riders.

We had only one casualty – Richard’s very early Singer which had not been run for a couple of years,  slowly ran out of puff and Richard nursed the old girl back home, only to turn up just 10 minutes after the rest of us in his fabulous E Type Jaguar!

The Family have invited us back again for next year when we hope for similar weather!
The Committee send thanks to all our Riders for their support on such a diverse selection of machines old and new.


Sunday 26th September

Numbers for the Tour from Birmingham were down, mostly due to an email/butter related IT issue with Bobs Laptop.

A couple of the riders needed to be back early, so an executive decision was made to abort our trip to Broadway and go for Bacon Buttie and Coffee at Curbourough Sprint circuit where Free entry to Brownhills Car Club Autotest provided interest and entertainment whilst we feasted.

Club Night Wednesday 15th Fun Quiz

The first quiz for many months teased and frustrated all and made many smile or curse!
Teams, of friends, neighbours, husbands, wives, grandchildren, boyfriends and girlfriends takled Bobs Confectionary based quiz of 100 questions
The top 3 teams received highly sought-after prizes!

Winners Pictured below

Sunday 12th September Atherstone Motor Show

We all enjoyed our Remembrance Run to Atherstone with memories of our good friends Dave Wall and Pete Smith, it was a huge success. 


Fourteen Riders and one lady pillion rode for just 25 minutes travelling 13 miles to add our Classic Bikes to the displays on show of huge American Cars, perfectly restored British Pick Ups, a very rare multimillion pound 2,500cc V12 Ferrari and dozens of two stroke Scooters. 


The market town was heaving with locals and out of town visitors.
Most of the shops and pubs were open with the weather warm and dry.


We plan to add this vibrant attraction to our annual Events Calendar. 




















Thursday 9th September Coach Trip
yesterday’s Coach Trip to the Haynes Museum in Yeovil was a great success.

Our thanks go to Chairman Geoff for his time and effort to ensure all 26 Members, Friends, Family and Guests had an enjoyable day out!

A 25 minute hold up on the Motorway delayed the planned arrival time but a bonus was in store as to avoid the still disrupted Motorway on the return trip, a route was devised taking in the iconic sights of Stonehenge

Geoff has more interesting Coach Trips planned look at the "Coming Up" page.

Saturday 14th August Kingsbury Water Park
What a great adventure we had on Saturday at the Kingsbury Water Park Steam Train venue. To see a fantastic display of beautifully built and maintained scaled down Steam Engines. Eighteen Riders plus another lady Pillion pilot made the 13 mile trip through the Warwickshire lanes where we met up with Phil and Litta who had abandoned their Triumph and cycled to the venue - getting there before any of us using combustion engines!


On our arrival we were treated to free tea and biscuits in the most friendly manner.

Twenty two members climbed aboard the Trojan engine pulling us effortlessly through shady wooded avenues, 72' long tunnels, over bridges, level crossings and 'traffic' lights on a superb one and a third mile trip. 

Later after a tour of workshops, turntable and storage sheds - more tea with Danish pastries!


Our thanks go to Adrian for arranging such an enjoyable morning and his volunteer colleagues for giving their time and sharing their enthusiasm.


My thanks too for the generous donations made by all members of our group in appreciation of all we had been treated to.























Club Night 18th August Vintage Sports Car Club Meet


We invited the VSCC to for coffee and biscuits on our August Club Night. Interesting turnout with a Hotchkiss;

Mini Cooper and Ford Zephyr among the four wheeled attendees.


As always a significant number of Motorcycles of all ages and sizes arrived to see the display and take the opportunity to visit the Museum.



Thursday 12th August 2021 Chip Shop Run.


Yesterday evening, 11th August, 23 Riders and one lady Pillion Pilot enjoyed a mild and dry 17mile cruise through leafy Warwickshire lanes to Cubbington where we enjoyed an excellent Fish and Chip Supper. 


Keith Little (thumbs up picture) enjoyed his meal more than most as he won the lucky dip prize of free Fish and Chips! 


Our thanks go to Bal and Gabby who gave us a warm welcome and superb service at their Cubbington Plaice emporium. 


This annual event has become very popular and we may organise a second outing later this year. 




















Aldridge Transport Museum Sunday 25th July


After meeting at our usual spot Meriden Motorcycles 9:30, we were treated to another new interesting route of fine country roads as we skirted to the east of Birmingham on our way to Aldridge.


Apart from a minor hiccup where we temporarily lost one member we were soon at  our destination Aldridge Transport Museum, where there is a fine collection of commercial vehicles, Buses, a few motorcycles and cars and an array of memorabilia.

A great place to spend some time before setting off home for Sunday Lunch.























Queens Head Curry Night Wednesday 14th July


We had a great turnout for our Annual Queens Head Run

15 Bikes and Riders and one 12 year old Pillion Pilot 


Four of us enjoyed a Curry in the open air on a warm and sunlit evening, others stuck to liquid refreshment - let’s hope for more Summer nights like that.


It became one of the most amusing Runs we have had! 

Geoff our regular tail end Charlie/sweeper for the drop off system came to the start meeting point for a sociable chat, but did not come on the run. So a lot of riders waited at junctions for him to arrive and he never came!

If you are still at a junction waiting for Geoff: give up it’s time to go home.


No pictures this time

Kart Night 21st July


Hope you were able to join in or watch the fun Thursday night at the Museum, then, on your behalf I send our thanks to Tony and Andrew for so generously allowing all and sundry to enjoy the thrill of driving their miniature Formula 1 Racing Cars! 


We had the sight, smell and sound of 6 Racing Go Karts, with 20 Midland Section Members taking the opportunity to hang on to the controls of these miniature Rocket Ships!  


Pictures below are of Tony’s 1960s Vintage Racing Karts, which include a twin engine version and one complete with gears and front brakes. No 88 is a more modern Intrepid Rotax Max with centrifugal clutch and electric start.

Video is a little long, but well worth a watch.


Forty three Members and Guests attended our first ‘free from Covid restrictions’ Club night and took the opportunity to enter the Museum after 18 months of ‘lockdown’ and enjoy free Tea, Coffee, Soft Drinks and Biscuits throughout the evening.


               Pictures                                                    Video                 






Dave Thomas Memorial Run 1st July


A goodly number of riders turned out for this short evening run; from the Boat at Catherine de Barnes, to the Case is Altered near Honiley.


Route of about 17 miles was a variety of country lanes and quiet A&B roads, passing Stately Homes, Pubs a Convent and Abbey.  The Ford, which had significantly more water in than in previous years, was less well received by the “polishers”.


Click on the > for more pictures


















Wednesday 16th June Club Night Gymkhana
We held the second running of our fun Gymkhana Event in the grounds of the National Motorcycle Museum.

The weather was fine, warm, sunny and dry, forty five members came to support the event with 10 taking part over the 9 obstacles laid out. 


Three Bantams, one AJS and one Ariel trials bike were available  to be ridden on this fun event. 


There was a Slalom, Hoola Hoop throwing skill, moving the Water Torture Glass, riding over the See Saw and Rumble Strips, Score a Goal, drop a Tennis Ball in a small Bucket, Limbo under the Low Beam, then back through the Slalom to the finish where competitors received a refreshing Rub Down with an oily rag! 


Stunning mementos for first and second place Riders, were donated, built and engraved by our own Richard Price. 


Our thanks go to Geoff Ansell who generously supplied his two Bantams to be used by anyone wishing to have a try at taking on the course.





















Tiddler Run 27th June


This year we kept a similar route to last, but missed out Arley, where your leader manages to get lost every time.


Shock! Horror! We had a Honda Break Down, unheard of, but it was only a closed up tappet and John was quickly recovered and the Honda lives to run another day.


As a change of format this time there are no photos but we are trialling a video report, thanks to Bob for all the camera work, hope you don’t get fed up of his face… at 15mins video may be a little long; let us have your feedback.
























Sunday 13th June Club Run.

Jon Weaver lead us on the annual Maurice Sommerville Breakfast Memorial Run. 

The weather was bright, warm and sunny and after a picturesque 45 minute route, we sat down to a full English Breakfast at Raphaels Takeaway on the banks of the majestic River Avon, close to the Hampton ferry.
Great turnout for our first run of the year and a good mix of bikes old and new.













David and Goliath Wednesday 19th May
Last Wednesday was our first Club Night for 14 months!

We held our popular David and Goliath Fun event with 40 members and friends turning up to enjoy the spectacle.

This had to be an ‘outdoor’ event due to Covid restrictions still being in place.

As in previous years: a lap of the car park: pause for a cup of tea: a second lap.

Winner is the rider with the closest two times.


Twelve Riders took part with Paul walking away with the top prize of the original Sling used by David and Colin a close second carrying off the Pebble that had actually slain Goliath!


Memento Medals on Red Silk ribbons - manufactured and donated by Richard Price and designed by daughter Vicky were awarded to all participants.









North Cotswold Blossom Run
Chipping Campden, Sunday 18th April 2021.
Bob got the jump on all of us and joined the Cotswold Section for a run; problems with a sticky back brake caused an early abandonment, but a least it was sunny and dry.
A Comic Strip Tale
Our daring intrepid Secretary Road tests a 1970 BSA 650cc Firebird Scrambler with a view to increasing his fleet of Classic Bikes. 
On the road test through Bridgnorth our daring intrepid, interestingly stupid Secretary manages to ruin a brand new front tyre. Our intrepid, obliviously fearless stupid and accident prone Secretary sends for his Meriden based highly trained two man team of mechanics to repair/replace the busted tyre.

The dynamic Duo known in the trade as Jon and Rich, soon have the front wheel off, a new tyre fitted and our stupid yet fearless, accident prone, mechanically inept and ham fisted Secretary is back on the road. 

The Duo return to Meriden and the Road Test continues. 

A short while later our intrepid, fearless, stupid, accident prone, ham fisted and mechanically inept Secretary manages to close down the points while riding through Kidderminster. Another phone call and his trusty highly trained Pit Crew ride out from Meriden again to re-set the points and rescue our intrepid, fearless, stupid ham fisted technically inept Secretary with a warm smile and cheery greeting - what dedication!

Our intrepid, fearless, accident prone, ham fisted and technically inept Secretary returns safely to Meriden none the worse for his Road Test adventure and proves he's not so stupid by refusing to purchase this fine Classic, trouble free, reliable Scrambler.

Log on again soon for the next Road Test when our brave Secretary gives another Classic Bike the chance of a new lease of life! 


Handsome and wise, Mechanic Richard arrives in Bridgnorth on his recently restored 100cc Triumph Tina Scooter (made to look a lot bigger to impress the girls) to rescue our unbelievably stupid but gifted and fearless Secretary.


Bob seems to be making the most of his 'Free' time
Here's an Eye Full of the highest Tower in Gloucestershire visited by our intrepid Secretary yesterday(25th April) while planning a Ride Out Route for your pleasure later this year, photo taken while on the way to a Lunchtime meeting with a couple of Old Faggots! 
Cotswolds 1.jpg
Cotswolds 2.jpg
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