Event History
We hope you all enjoyed the events we organised in 2019 and are planning more of the same and similar, for 2020.
This page is now archived, but look out for a 2020 EVENT HISTORY page where we will detail and record this comming years events
Boxing Day Run
Our last event of 2019 is the traditional run to The Dog at Nether Whitacre.
Good turnout this year even thought it was a bit cold and damp, 15 on the run and nearly 60 at the venue.
We all forgive Geoff as his car 'needed a run' and it allowed him to bring a non riding guest.

Watsonian Sidecars Sunday 22nd September
Saturday… the sun came out,
Monday……the sun came out,
But Sunday…………
Four fools set out for a personalised tour of the Watsonian Sidecar Factory in the Cotswolds. To be fair we only just got wet on the way there, on the way back a boat would have been more appropriate. Found out that my leathers are not waterproof and am hoping that my gloves will have dried out before the next event.
Our thanks are due to Stu of Watsonian, who, along with his wife, gave up their Sunday morning to show us all their facilities, tube cutting, bending, fabrication, machine shop and assembly.
There was a fine selection of outfits in the workshop ranging from a Scooter through to an Indian and a Triumph bobber. On display in the showroom a range of Royal Enfields including the new 650 twin.
As a bonus we also had the opportunity to tour the Caravan assembly area of their ‘Sister’ company
A fine if somewhat damp day out and we extend our sincere thanks to Watsonian for allowing this to happen.
Club Night 18th September
As always with Bobs cryptic quizes, answers were sometime a little obscure, however prizes were awarded for 1st 2nd & 3rd
Bob Currie Rideout 15th September
We joined forces withJon Weavers campers and 38 Riders took a tour of the Cotswolds
Brooklands 11th September
16 Members and friends took a Charabanc trip to the Brooklands Museum on Wednesday 11th September and all had a fine day out. The Museum was expected to be interesting but quite a few remarked on how it exceeded their expectations with the variety of exhibits and the number of things to do.
As always slideshow below:-
Shakerstone Festival 1st September
Slightly disappointing turn out in terms of numbers for our annual run and demonstration at the Shakerstone festival.
However we did get a fine eclectic mix in terms of age size and origin including Lee from the Warwickshire section on a smart scooter
Tiddler Run Sunday 25th August.
Super turnout for the inaugural Tiddler Run 16 riders and machines of all sizes on a fine warm summer’s day.
The set route through some lush, if somewhat small, lanes at the beginning with a mix of sweeping B roads leading us to the finish at Middleton Hall.
All went well, in the initial stages, however two minor breakdowns, meant that the Tail End Sweeper had to stop and eventually the drop off leader ran out of drop offs. With the group broken up only 10 riders made it to the finish, where Bob kindly treated us all to a cold drink.
We will of course learn from our mistake and will try, in future, to run with two Tail End Sweepers so one can stay and assist and the other complete the task.
Gymkhana Weds 21st August.
At our August Club meeting yesterday evening, 53 members came to support the Section’s inaugural GYMKHANA event.
The tight winding course, held on the National Motorcycle Museum’s field, was a testing challenge with nine disciplines to be overcome.
They were;
Entry Slalom; Bucket and Ball; Hoola-Hoop; See-Saw; Balance Beam; Water Torture; Goal Score; Limbo Bar and Exit Slalom.
Twelve brave souls accepted the challenge picking their preferred steed from a stable of three BSA Bantams (generously loaned by Geoff Ansell and John Surman for the event).
The evening was deemed a great success and so will become an annual event.
Geoff Ansell was disqualified by the Clerk of the Course on the grounds of secretly practising for 4 hours prior to the start of the event and riding his own bike that he was very familiar with!
* SPECIAL AWARD With an extremely entertaining time of 3:32 our very own C2B Hero – Barry Heath!
Secretary Bob Badland and the rest of the Committee wish to thank all who came and supported, marshalled and entered this new event making the evening such an enjoyable occasion.
The Committee also send thanks to the National Motorcycle Museum management for their generous support throughout the year, allowing us the freedom to hold so many varied events.
Those of you who got there early enough will have witnessed Geoff Ansel s’ amazingly realistic recreation of the leap at the end of the Great Escape.
As it was on a Bantam (not a Triumph as in the original) perhaps it's the Minor Escape.
Attached are the stills as the cine film is still at the Chemist being developed.

Second Hand Actually

Sunday 14th October Jim Fellows Ride Out
Unfortunately the weather beat us once again. Geoff went to the start (in his Zephyr) and dissuaded the one member who turned up by explaining the error of his ways.
Saturday 12th October Klondike Steam Mill Open Day
Only three committee members turned up for this Saturday run from a new start location. However a great route there, plenty of things going on to see and do with a Coffee Stop at Barton Marina on the way home. A definite for a return visit for their next open day in the spring. Look out for this in next years ‘Schedule’.

Sunday 20th October
We meet up at Welsbourne Aerodrome for a run with the North Cotswolds Section
Wednesday October 16th Club Night
Many thanks to Steve Mills for his excellent slide show on Austin Cars and Triumph Motorcycles
Unfortunately the piece de resistance on AJS of Wolverhampton was thwarted when the 40 year old technology linking slides to sound failed, don’t worry, we have a plan and there may be a repeat show next year. If we can fix the ‘kit’.
As ever a great evening was had by all with the 50+ participants soon polishing off the free biscuits.

Wednesday 20th November Club Night
Great turnout as 60 members and guests enjoyed a rerun of George Formby's No Limits.
As always there was free coffee and biscuits, but tonights show was enhanced with free popcorn to give a true `Cinematic` experience!

Wednesday 18th December Christmas Dinner.
Club night saw our traditional Christmas dinner in the stunning surrounding of the Winter Wonderland Suite at the National Motorcycle museum.
As ever the turkey dinner was superb as was the choice of desserts and we were well looked after by the catering staff serving coffee prior to our female cabaret Hayley Louise who entertained us throughout the evening, even taking time out to carry Phil Upton’s Birthday cake in, much to his surprise, whilst singing happy birthday .
Steve and Helen Fenton, as ever, did a great job selling raffle tickets and over 20 items were awarded. Star prize a valuable signed copy of Steve Mills AJS book was won by Graham Handley.
Photos are a little out of focus due to a camera malfunction, not as a result of over indulgence by the photographer.

Judicial Run Weds 7th Aug
Great turn out last night on our Annual Judicial ride out with 19 riders on assorted machines.
The route was new; about 13 miles and took 20 minutes. We arrived at our destination at 19:45 and left just before dark at 21:00. Our hosts were as ever very pleased to see us and their selection of real ale (not a drop sampled, as we only drink pop) is wide and varied.
A Great social night out and many members are looking forward to the Chip run, next Wednesday evening.

28th July Dave Wall & Pete Smith Memorial Run
Six foolhardy submariners broke out of their vessel for the Dave Wall & Pete Smith memorial run.
Unfortunately one nameless captain (Chairman Geoff) ran aground, and whilst the Run was completed.
It would appear that a Pather does indeed have the power to 'Highside' it's pilot and deposit him on a verdant and marshy verge. No injuries sustanined, but there is a wonky footrest and couple of dings in the tank to keep him busy in the Winter.
The six drowned Rats returned to base without further incident (or Lunch)
Dave Thomas: Jon Weaver: Richard Price: Geoff Ansell: Steve Fenton: Bob Badland.
2019 BBQ Report
Our annual BBQ this year was held at Phil and Gail Upton’s Paddock.
Unbelievably, after enjoying days and days of fabulous hot and sunny weather a shower of rain tried to dampen the event!
Regardless, 41 Members and friends attended munching their way through 65 Burgers and a few Hot Dogs!
There was a competitive edge to the evening too – Phil had created a Crown Green Rink in the centre of his beautifully manicured Paddock and 7 Teams took part in a lively Bowls competition. There were some complaints (many in fact) that the Crown Green Rink had more dips in it than the giant Roller Coaster at Blackpool! Nevertheless everyone taking part enjoyed the challenge.
Our sincere thanks go to the Uptons for the use of their Paddock and Sophie for her cooking skills; to Gill Drakeley for supplying the Bowling Woods, Mitch Ansell for the fried onions and fresh salad and all those Members who supported the event.
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Only a handful of riders turned up for the "Quick Run" and a shower at the start led to an early abandonment.
Both the Run to Curborugh Sprint Circuit on 30th June and the run to meet with the Vintage Sports Car Club on the 4th July were abandoned at the start,as only a small number of riders were interested
Club Night Weds 19th June David and Goliath
It's a simple concept: Two timed laps of the carpark, with a pause between each lap.
Winner is the rider who comes closest to matching the two lap times.
"So its Left at the first road and right at the next?" NO Right at the first left at the next
Check out the starter and time keeper as they repeat the instructions, with much waving of the arms and pointing
Search parties are still out for the 'lost' riders

Sunday 16th June:- Banbury Run at Gaydon
Well: We entered and set forth....
Pete Brown returned early with a gearbox fault,
Dave Thomas with a spluttering carb fault
Bob; a wise man had a plan and borrowed a bike from Pat Rowbotham:- all the pleasure and none of the maintenance.
Unfortunately the plan backfired,......... like the bike,,,,,, and it expired 15 miles into the run
Step up Julian, the Jag and the trailer to return Bob to Gaydon in style
Check out the Slideshow below

Weds 5th June Curry Night
After a short run through the countryside, we arrived at the Queens Head Meriden, for some Indian Cuisine
Tuesday 5th June
It's an early start as 29 Members realise there are two six o clocks in a day, for the trip to the Sammy Miller Museum in the New Forest