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John Mills 1947-2024


Sadly I have to announce the death of John Mills. 

 Myself and Trevor Jackson, as fellow VMCC members have known John and his wife Di, for about 5 years. Trevor introduced him to me and we went on many rides together with John as navigator. Derbyshire, the Cotswolds and their surrounding areas were his favourites, and we rode to Scotland and Somerset at John's behest and his directions, sometimes not too accuate but alway highly amusing. He was the Midland treasurer for a some time and was an active member until his illnesses took hold. 


He was a very interesting man and we enjoyed several very jolly pub visits to the Horse and Jockey, Bentley, were we would enjoy an excellent pint of draught Bass. He had a very wide sphere of interests and was a good, interesting conversationalist, and he liked football. 


Although he had several illnesses which got progressively worse, he would always try and go on a run if he was able to. He found riding a bike, sometimes tiring but very theraputic


He also had a passion for history and steam railways, the Welsh Cambrian Railway and the GWR were his particular favourites. He was a good friend to us both and the many other VMCC members and will really be, sadly missed.


Martin Wardle.

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